

Your final report is due on Tuesday 5/9 at 23:59.

Please share a Google Drive folder with me containing:

  • PDF of your final report
  • PDF of your presentation slides
  • All source code files (e.g., Jupyter notebooks) and data files (e.g., Excel workbooks, Google Sheets, CSV files) you created or used for your project


A draft of your project report – all sections – is due on Friday 4/21 at the end of class.

  • Use the project report template under Resources below.
  • One member of each team should email me their draft as a PDF file.

A draft of your presentation slides is due on Friday 4/28 at the beginning of class.

  • Your presentation will be about 15 minutes long.
  • Your draft must be complete, as if you were going to use them for your final presentation.
  • We will go through your draft presentation on Friday 4/28 and Monday 5/1.

Other notes:

  • Capstone Day presentations on Wednesday 5/3.
  • APL teams:
    • APL visit and presentations on Tuesday 4/25.
    • Above deadlines are flipped — presentation draft due on Friday 4/21, report draft due on Friday 4/28.
    • We will go through your draft presentation on Friday 4/21 and Monday 4/24.


A draft of your project report is due on Monday 4/3 at the end of class.

  • Your document should contain 6 sections, in this order:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Literature Review
    4. Input Data Description and Analysis
    5. Model Description
    6. References
  • Include a section heading at the beginning of each section.
  • Double-space your document.
  • One member of each team should email me their draft as a PDF file.


Your 12-week marking period grade will be based on the following standards:

  • Meeting deadlines: A1, A2
  • Individual contribution: B1
  • Formulation and analysis: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7
  • Written report and presentation: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7

For details, see the Grading policy – 12-week marking period document under Course Logistics below.


A draft of your project report is due on Friday 3/10 at the end of class.

  • Your document should contain 6 sections:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Literature Review
    4. Input Data Description and Analysis
    5. Model Description
    6. References
  • Include a section heading at the beginning of each section.
  • Double-space your document.
  • One member of each team should email me their draft as a PDF file.


A draft of your project's six-sentence abstract, introduction, and literature review is due on Monday 2/13 at 23:59.

  • Your document should contain 4 sections:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Literature Review
    4. References
  • Include a section heading at the beginning of each section.
  • Double-space your document.
  • One member of each team should email me their draft as a PDF file.
  • This draft will serve as the basis of your 6-week marking period grade.

(updated 2/21)

Your 6-week marking period grade will be based on the following standards:

  • Meeting deadlines: A1, A2
  • Individual contribution: B1
  • Formulation and analysis: C1, C2, C3
  • Written report and presentation: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5

Your scores on these standards will be converted to a letter grade according to the relaxed 6-week grading policy (see Course Logistics below).


A draft of your project's six-sentence abstract and introduction is due on Wednesday 2/1 at 23:59.

  • One member of each team should email me their abstract as a PDF file.
    • In Google Docs: File → Download → PDF Document (.pdf)
  • Please double-space your document.


General notes on feedback:

  • If you have questions, ask me!
  • Your scores on the grading rubric are meant to represent the current status of your project.
  • Scores can go up and down, especially for the standards on the written report and presentation.
  • You can edit and resubmit any time. I will try my best to give you feedback within one week.


I have graded your six-sentence abstracts on standards D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 to give you a sense of how feedback works.


The first draft of your project's six-sentence abstract is due on Monday 1/23 at 23:59.

  • One member of each team should email me their abstract as a PDF file.
    • In Google Docs: File → Download → PDF Document (.pdf)
  • At this point in the semester, you will need to make up some details. That's OK for now — consider this a "vision statement". Imagine what good results might look like, and make up some plausible numbers and conclusions.



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Date Activities


  • Capstone Day!


  • Finalize report and presentation
  • Student opinion forms


  • Finalize report and presentation


  • Finalize report and presentation


  • Finalize report and presentation


  • Finalize experiment setup, results, and conclusion sections of report
  • Continue writing presentation
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Finalize experiment setup, results, and conclusion sections of report
  • Continue writing presentation


  • Finalize experiment setup, results, and conclusion sections of report
  • Continue writing presentation


  • Finalize input data analysis, modeling, and results
  • Continue writing experiment setup, results, conclusion
  • Continue writing presentation
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Finalize input data analysis, modeling, and results
  • Continue writing experiment setup, results, conclusion
  • Continue writing presentation


  • Presenting about OR – 10 tips for OR talks
  • Finalize input data analysis, modeling, and results
  • Continue writing experiment setup, results, conclusion
  • Start writing presentation


  • Continue input data analysis, modeling, and collecting results
  • Start writing experiment setup, results, and conclusion


  • Writing about OR – experiment setup, results, conclusion
  • Continue input data analysis, modeling, and collecting results
  • Start writing experiment setup, results, and conclusion


  • Draft of report due at the end of class
  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue running model variations and collecting results


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue running model variations and collecting results
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Short fuse: title and abstract for Capstone Day program due at the end of class
  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue running model variations and collecting results


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue running model variations and collecting results
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Start running model variations and collecting results


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Start running model variations and collecting results


  • Draft of report due at the end of class
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue writing input data and model description section


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Continue writing input data and model description section


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Start writing input data and model description section
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Writing about OR — input data and model description
  • Continue input data analysis and modeling


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Submit team member info and project title for Capstone Day


  • Continue input data analysis and modeling
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Start input data analysis and modeling


  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling
  • Draft of 6SA, introduction, and literature review due at 23:59


  • Continue revising 6SA and introduction writing literature review
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Continue revising 6SA and introduction
  • Continue finding relevant literature, writing literature review
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling


  • Start revising 6SA and introduction
  • Continue finding relevant literature, start writing literature review
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling


  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling, finding relevant literature
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Writing about OR — the literature review, start finding relevant literature
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling
  • Draft of 6SA and introduction due at 23:59


  • Writing about OR — the literature review, start finding relevant literature
  • Continue revising your 6SA and writing your introduction
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling


  • Continue revising your 6SA and writing your introduction
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Writing about OR — the introduction
  • Revise your 6SA
  • Start writing an introduction for your project
  • Continue collecting data, thinking about modeling


  • First draft of project 6SA due at 23:59
  • Start collecting data
  • Start thinking about modeling


  • Start writing a 6SA for your project
  • Weekly contribution message due at noon


  • Course policy
  • Writing about OR — the six-sentence abstract


  • Project ideas


  • Project ideas from members of the JHU APL technical staff


  • Course overview
  • Project ideas

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Course Logistics
