SA305 ⬝ Spring 2021 ⬝ Section 1202
Assoc. Prof. Nelson Uhan
5/17 |
The semester is over! |
4/26 |
4/21 |
Quiz 8 will take place on Tuesday 4/27.
4/14 |
Quiz 7 will take place on Tuesday 4/20.
4/12 |
3/31 |
Plan for next week:
Exam 2 will take place on Thursday 4/8.
3/29 |
3/25 |
3/22 |
Quiz 6 will take place on Thursday 3/25.
3/15 |
Quiz 5 will take place on Thursday 3/18.
3/8 |
No quiz this week! |
2/24 |
This is the last week for resubmissions to count for your 6-week marking period grade.
2/24 |
Plan for next week:
Exam 1 will take place on Thursday 3/4.
2/18 |
2/15 |
Quiz 4 will take place on Tuesday 2/23.
2/8 |
Quiz 3 will take place on Thursday 2/11.
2/1 |
Quiz 2 will take place on Thursday 2/4.
1/25 |
Quiz 1 will take place on Thursday 1/28.
1/25 |
Quiz 0 is due on Tuesday 1/26 at 23:59.
1/19 |
Welcome! |
Date | Class | Homework, labs, etc. |
5/4 |
4/29 |
4/27 |
4/22 |
4/20 |
4/15 |
4/13 |
4/8 |
4/6 |
4/1 |
3/30 |
3/25 |
3/23 |
3/18 |
3/16 |
3/11 |
3/9 |
3/4 |
3/2 |
2/25 |
2/23 |
2/18 |
2/16 |
2/11 |
2/9 |
2/4 |
2/2 |
1/28 |
1/26 |
1/21 |
Dates | Lesson | ||
22 | An economic interpretation of LP duality | |
21 | Weak and strong duality | |
20 | Bounds and the dual LP | |
19 | Degeneracy, convergence, multiple optimal solutions | |
18 | Finding an initial BFS | |
17 | The simplex method | |
16 | Linear programs in canonical form | |
15 | Geometry and algebra of corner points | |
14 | Improving search — convexity and optimality | |
13 | Improving search — finding better solutions | |
12 | Introduction to algorithm design | |
11 | Graphical solution of linear programs | |
10 | Production process models | |
9 | Multiperiod models | |
8 | Work scheduling models, revisited | |
7 | Resource allocation and blending models, revisited | |
6 | Sets, summations, for statements | |
5 | Work scheduling models | |
4 | Blending models | |
3 | Resource allocation models | |
2 | Introduction to optimization modeling | |
1 | Introduction |
Lab | Instructions | |
Project — The Diet Problem |
Due Wednesday 5/5 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Lab 5 — Fitness Sneaker Company |
Due Thursday 4/22 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Lab 4 — Cavity Candies |
Due Tuesday 4/6 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Lab 3 — National Disc Corporation |
Due Tuesday 3/23 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Lab 2 — Parameterized Optimization Models with Pyomo |
Due Tuesday 2/23 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Lab 1 — Introduction to Jupyter and Pyomo |
Due Tuesday 2/9 at 23:59. Work on your own. Submit 1 lab per student. Verbal collaboration is allowed, but sharing of code is not permitted. |
Date | Quiz | |
4/27 | Quiz 8 | |
4/20 | Quiz 7 | |
3/25 | Quiz 6 | |
3/18 | Quiz 5 | |
2/23 | Quiz 4 | |
2/11 | Quiz 3 | |
2/4 | Quiz 2 | |
1/28 | Quiz 1 | |
1/26 | Quiz 0 |
Date | Exam | |
4/8 | Exam 2 | |
3/4 | Exam 1 |