Installing VirtualBox and the SA421 virtual machine

SA421 Fall 2014


Here are some instructions on how to get the SA421 virtual machine working on your own computer.

  1. Download the latest version of VirtualBox for your platform here.
    • You can install the VirtualBox Extension Pack if you wish, but it is optional.
  2. Install VirtualBox. If you need detailed instructions, take a look here.
    • On Windows, just run the .exe file and follow the instructions on the screen. The default settings are sufficient.
  3. Find the SA421 VM appliance on the USNA network. The most straightforward way is to directly enter the path
    into a Windows Explorer window:
  4. Drag the VM appliance, named something like SA421 Lubuntu 2014xxxxxxxx.ova to your desktop.
  5. Double-click the appliance file on your computer. If VirtualBox is installed properly, it should launch and ask you about setting up a new virtual machine. Accept the default settings.
  6. You should now find a SA421 Lubuntu virtual machine available in the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager.