Methodology and Results Report — Guidelines

SA475A Spring 2015

Last updated:


Your goal: write a report that

This will eventually form the bulk of the final report you will submit at the end of the semester.

What should this report contain?

The best way to present your methodology and results will depend on the exact nature of your project. Your report should address the following in some shape or form.

Mathematical description of the problem

Describe your problem mathematically.

For an example, take a look at the Sections 2 and 3 in the following article:

D. P. Morton, R. E. Rosenthal, L. T. Wang. Optimization modeling for airlift mobility. Military Operations Research 1(4):49-67, 1996. [link]


Describe your methodology for solving your problem. Some or all of the following may apply.

For an example, take a look at the "Building the Simulation", "Verification and Validation", and "Using the Model" sections in the following article:

J. D. Cordeiro, M. A. Friend, J. O. Miller, K. W. Bauer, J. M. Kloeber. Using simulation to model time utilization of army recruiters. Military Operations Research 6(3):59-68, 2001. [link]


Discuss and interpret the results you obtained from carrying out your methodology. For this report, discussing and interpreting preliminary results is OK.

For an example, take a look at the "Using the Model" section in the following article:

J. D. Cordeiro, M. A. Friend, J. O. Miller, K. W. Bauer, J. M. Kloeber. Using simulation to model time utilization of army recruiters. Military Operations Research 6(3):59-68, 2001. [link]

References and citations

Use this reference and citation style guide.


How will you be evaluated?

Your report will be evaluated based on the following criteria: