Improving USNA Through Operations Research

SA475B ■ Spring 2018 ■ Sections 3401 and 5601
Assoc. Prof. Nelson Uhan


26 Apr
  • Your final report is due at 23:59 on Wednesday 2 May.
  • Instructions for submission: share a Google Drive folder with me containing
    • PDF of your report generated from R Markdown
    • R Markdown file
    • All images required to compile your R Markdown file
    • Presentation slides
    • All other source code files (e.g. GMPL files, Jupyter notebooks), data files (e.g. Excel workbooks, Google Sheets, GMPL dat files) and interface files (e.g. Excel workbooks) you used and created for your project
10 Apr

Key dates for the end of the semester

T 10 Apr Lesson: Writing about OR — Experiment Setup, Results, and Conclusion
R 12 Apr Lesson: Giving a technical talk
R 19 Apr Draft of final report (all sections) due at 23:59
T 24 Apr Draft of presentation slides due in class
W 25 Apr Capstone Day: Presentations
W 2 May Final report due at 23:59
1 Apr Resubmissions for the 12 week marking period are due at 23:59 on Thursday 5 April.
1 Mar
  • A draft of your introduction, literature review, input data and model description sections is due at 23:59 on Thursday 22 March.
  • From now on, you must submit your report as a PDF generated from R Markdown based on this template (also linked below). If you need help setting this up, please ask!
  • Here is the grading policy for the 12 week marking period (also linked below).
20 Feb Since you've spent most of the 6 week marking period in the beginning stages of your project, your grade for this marking period will be based on a relaxed version of the grading policy in the course policy statement.
30 Jan
  • Notes on feedback:
    • If you have questions, ask me!
    • Your scores on the grading rubric are meant to represent the current status of your project.
    • Scores can go up and down, especially for the standards on the written report and presentation.
    • You can edit and resubmit any time. I will try my best to give you feedback within one week.
  • A draft of your introduction and literature review is due at 23:59 on Tuesday 13 February.
  • I posted an updated course policy statement with a few minor typos fixed.
16 Jan
  • A first draft of your introduction section is due at 23:59 on Thursday 25 January.
  • We will meet in Nimitz 108 on Tuesday 23 January to learn how to use the library resources to find existing literature in operations research.
11 Jan Welcome!

Show older announcements

General information

Project Guidelines


Date Activities
1 May
  • Office hours
26 Apr
  • Wrap-up
25 Apr
  • Capstone Day: presentations
24 Apr
  • Review presentation slides
  • 19 Apr
  • 17 Apr
  • Interpret model outputs
  • Write experiment setup, results, and conclusion sections
  • Write presentation slides
12 Apr
  • Giving a Presentation — 10 Tips for OR Talks [See Project Guidelines for notes]
  • Continue generating model outputs
  • Start interpreting model outputs
10 Apr
  • Writing about OR — Experiment Setup, Results, and Conclusion [See Project Guidelines for notes]
  • Continue generating model outputs
  • Start interpreting model outputs
  • 5 Apr
  • 3 Apr
  • 29 Mar
  • 27 Mar
  • Revise report
  • Finalize data processing and model formulation
  • Start generating model outputs
  • 22 Mar
  • 20 Mar
  • Revise introduction and literature review
  • Write input data and model description sections
  • 8 Mar
  • 6 Mar
  • Focus on data processing and model formulation
1 Mar
  • Writing about OR — Input Data and Model Description [See Project Guidelines for notes]
  • Continue with data processing and model formulation
  • 27 Feb
  • 22 Feb
  • 20 Feb
  • 15 Feb
  • Focus on data processing and model formulation
13 Feb
  • Finish first draft of literature review, revise introduction
  • Continue data gathering/manipulation, model formulation
8 Feb
  • Continue writing literature review, revise introduction
  • Continue data gathering/manipulation, model formulation
6 Feb
  • Start writing literature review
  • Continue data gathering/manipulation, model formulation
1 Feb
  • Continue looking for relevant literature, start writing literature review
  • Start gathering and manipulating data, formulating a model
30 Jan
  • Continue looking for relevant literature
  • Start gathering and manipulating data, formulating a model
25 Jan
  • Finish first draft of introduction
  • Continue looking for relevant literature
  • Start thinking about modeling
23 Jan
  • Library instruction
  • Continue to work on introduction, problem formulation
  • Start looking for relevant literature
18 Jan
  • Writing about OR — Literature Review [See Project Guidelines for notes]
  • Continue to work on formulating your problem
16 Jan
  • Form project teams
  • Writing about OR — The Introduction [See Project Guidelines for notes]
  • Example of a successful capstone report [Report]
  • Schedule meetings with stakeholders
  • Start formulating your problem:
    • Describe the relevant features of the system you want to study.
    • What performance measure/objective function do you want to study?
    • What data is available?
    • What questions do you have for the stakeholders?
11 Jan
  • Introduction [Slides]
  • Discuss and brainstorm project topics