Calculus III with Optimization

SM223 ■ Fall 2017 ■ Section 4021
Assoc. Prof. Nelson Uhan


23 Nov Plan for the end of the semester:
R 30 Nov Work on resubmissions for Exam 4
F 1 Dec Review Quiz 1 (covers Exam 1 material)
M 4 Dec Review Quiz 2 (covers Exam 2 material)
W 6 Dec Review Quiz 3 (covers Exam 3 material)
R 7 Dec Review Quiz 4 (covers Exam 4 material)
W 13 Dec Final Exam
  • Review Quizzes:
    • Multiple choice questions
    • We will go over the questions that you had most difficulty with after the quiz
    • Review quizzes count as extra credit: each review quiz is worth an additional 25% of a regular quiz
    • No resubmissions or makeups for review quizzes
  • Final Exam: see below for details
  • The last day to resubmit a quiz or exam is Thursday 7 December
20 Nov Exam 4 will take place on Wednesday 29 November. See below for details.
1 Nov Your score on Exam 3 will not count towards your 12-week marking period grade.

The last day to resubmit a quiz/exam for the 12 week marking period is Friday 3 November.
19 Oct Exam 3 will take place on Friday 27 October. See below for details.
11 Oct To resubmit Problems 5-7 for Exam 2, submit your solutions to the problems given in "Problems 5-7 for resubmission" linked below.
27 Sep Exam 2 will take place on Thursday 5 October. See below for details.
20 Sep The last day to resubmit a quiz/exam for the 6 week marking period is Friday 29 September.
1 Sep Exam 1 will take place on Friday 8 September. See below for details.
25 Aug

Instructions for resubmissions

  • Redo the problems you want to resubmit on a blank quiz (see below).
  • Follow the guidelines in the course policy statement. In particular:
    • No collaboration allowed. All work must be your own.
    • You may use your own course materials (e.g., notes, homework), as well as any materials directly linked from the course website. You may not use any other materials.
    • Your resubmissions must include the following signed honor statement:
      I pledge on my honor that I have not used any unauthorized materials, and that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance for this resubmission.
21 Aug Welcome!

Show older announcements

General information



Dates Lesson
7 Dec Review Quiz 4
6 Dec Review Quiz 3
4 Dec Review Quiz 2
1 Dec Review Quiz 1
  • 22 Nov
  • 20 Nov
  • 17 Nov
35 Triple Integrals Notes
16 Nov 34 Applications: Probability
15 Nov 33 Applications: Center of Mass Notes
  • 13 Nov
  • 9 Nov
32 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates Notes
  • 8 Nov
  • 6 Nov
31 Double Integrals over General Regions Notes
  • 3 Nov
  • 2 Nov
30 Double Integrals over Rectangles Notes
1 Nov 29 Lagrange Multipliers, cont. Notes
30 Oct 28 Lagrange Multipliers
25 Oct 27 Absolute Minima and Maxima
23 Oct 26 Local Minima and Maxima, cont.
20 Oct 25 Local Minima and Maxima Notes
19 Oct 24 Tangent Planes and Normal Lines Notes
18 Oct 23 Maximizing the Directional Derivative Notes
16 Oct 22 The Gradient Vector and Directional Derivatives Notes
  • 13 Oct
  • 12 Oct
  • 11 Oct
21 The Chain Rule Notes
6 Oct 20 Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation Notes
2 Oct 19 Partial Derivatives, cont.
  • 29 Sep
  • 28 Sep
  • 27 Sep
18 Partial Derivatives
25 Sep 17 Level Curves Notes
22 Sep 16 Multivariable Functions Notes
  • 21 Sep
  • 20 Sep
15 Projectile Motion, cont. Notes
18 Sep 14 Projectile Motion Notes
15 Sep 13 Velocity and Acceleration Notes
  • 14 Sep
  • 13 Sep
12 Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions Notes
  • 13 Sep
  • 11 Sep
11 Vector Functions and Space Curves Notes
7 Sep Review
6 Sep 10 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces, cont. Notes
5 Sep 9 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces Notes
1 Sep 8 Equations of Lines and Planes in 3D Notes
31 Aug 7 Equations of Planes in 3D Notes
30 Aug 6 Equations of Lines in 3D
28 Aug 5 The Cross Product Notes
25 Aug 4 The Dot Product, cont.
24 Aug 3 The Dot Product Notes
23 Aug 2 Vectors Notes
21 Aug 1 Three Dimensional Space Notes


Solutions are available here on Google Drive.

Date Quiz
16 Nov Quiz 8 Quiz
9 Nov Quiz 7 Quiz
19 Oct Quiz 6 Quiz
28 Sep Quiz 5 Quiz
21 Sep Quiz 4 Quiz
14 Sep Quiz 3 Quiz
31 Aug Quiz 2 Quiz
24 Aug Quiz 1 Quiz


Solutions are available here on Google Drive.

Date Exam
13 Dec Final Exam
29 Nov Exam 4
27 Oct Exam 3
5 Oct Exam 2
8 Sep Exam 1